[cmsms_row data_width=”boxed” data_color=”default” data_bg_color_custom=”true” data_bg_color=”#556270″ data_padding_top=”20″ data_padding_bottom=”20″][cmsms_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsms_heading type=”h1″ font_weight=”400″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” target=”self” custom_colors=”true” color=”#ffffff” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ animation_delay=”0″]Free Physician Online Reputation Report[/cmsms_heading][/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row][cmsms_row data_padding_bottom=”09″ data_padding_top=”20″ data_color=”default” data_width=”boxed”][cmsms_column data_width=”1/2″][/cmsms_column][cmsms_column data_width=”1/2″][/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row][cmsms_row data_padding_bottom=”50″ data_padding_top=”25″ data_color=”default” data_width=”boxed”][cmsms_column data_width=”1/2″][cmsms_featured_block custom_colors=”true” bg_color=”#4486c4″ text_color=”#353535″ button_bg_color=”#ff6b6b” button_text_color=”#ffffff” animation_delay=”0″]
Compete Request Below
Just provide us with the following information and we’ll provide a detailed report about your online reputation. Do you work for a medical practice and wish to request more than one report? No problem. Just provide all the physician information below.
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What does your free online reputation report include?
We will provide you with actionable information that you can use to improve your online reputation that helps to grow your medical practice including:
[/cmsms_text][cmsms_icon_box title=”Online Review Analysis” type=”cmsms_box_lefticon” heading_type=”h2″ custom_colors=”true” color=”#4486c4″ icon=”cmsms-icon-star-filled” animation_delay=”0″]We will provide a general overview of all of your online reviews including ideas on how to improve your reviews. A 1/2 star increase can have as much as a 12% increase in how many patients will contact your medical practice.[/cmsms_icon_box][cmsms_icon_box title=”Accuracy and Format of Your Online Listings” type=”cmsms_box_lefticon” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”cmsms-icon-location” animation_delay=”0″]
We will review your online listings on sites like Vitals, Healthgrades, Yelp!, Doctor.com and others to see if your profiles are complete and accurate.
Over 80% of patients look for a physician online so having a complete and professional profile is more important than ever. We’ll make suggestions to help you improve your online listings and can do it for you if you so choose.
[/cmsms_icon_box][cmsms_icon_box title=”Your social media presence – Good or bad!” type=”cmsms_box_lefticon” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”cmsms-icon-facebook-squared” animation_delay=”0″]We’ll review your presence on social media and let you know if there are areas of concern or how you can leverage social media to grow and run your practice.[/cmsms_icon_box][cmsms_icon_box title=”Is your website modern and easy to navigate?” type=”cmsms_box_lefticon” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”cmsms-icon-tablet-1″ animation_delay=”0″]We will review your website and let you know if it’s easy to find things and can even suggest areas for improvement. Your website is your storefront to your local community and can make a big difference in growing your practice and converting new patients.[/cmsms_icon_box][cmsms_icon_box title=”Reputation review on Google” type=”cmsms_box_lefticon” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”cmsms-icon-globe” animation_delay=”0″]We’ll do a thorough Google search to see if any issues pop up that may hurt your online reputation and can provide strategies to minimize or remove issues if something does arise. Your online reputation is more critical than ever![/cmsms_icon_box][cmsms_icon_box title=”Other Recommendations and Findings” type=”cmsms_box_lefticon” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”cmsms-icon-star-filled” animation_delay=”0″]We will also report other findings and recommendations. Upon presenting your report we are happy to answer questions and provide some feedback as to how you can improve your online presence and reputation.[/cmsms_icon_box][/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row]