Popular Healthcare Hashtags

Here are just a few popular healthcare reputation hashtags we could find.

We’ve compiled some of the popular hashtags for healthcare and reputation management and what they mean. Do you agree or have any others? Let us know.

Monitoring your online reviews including statements, feedback, complaints and compliments made but a customer or patient.

Typically means only doctor reviews on sites like Google, Healthgrades, Yelp, Vitals and RateMDS.

Similar to online review monitoring for a medical practice or hospital but specific to a doctor 

Same as doctor reviews.

Online reviews about doctors that are on Yelp

A search conducted to find out how to remove a Yelp review about a medical practice, hospital or doctor. 

A service or practice of monitoring and improving online reviews, listings and statements made online or that show up on a Google search or review sites.

The most popular review sites for medical and healthcare are Google, Yelp, Healthgrades, Vitals and RateMDS.

A physicians online reputation is made up of statements, reviews and business listings about the physician.

A service or process by which an effort is made to monitor and improve the online information about a physician / doctor, medical practice or hospital including online reviews, online business listings, online statements and other information found online or via a Google search.

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